Thursday 31 May 2012

End of May ... Already?!!

Well, it's the end of the May already and this year is speeding in quicker than 2011 which in and of itself was a quick year. Is this what happens? Every year after a certain age the time speeds up for you?!! Frightening thought that there!

So on the 10th I had my check up with my Rhematologist at the hospital and don't have to go back until January 2013 for my next one.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


Well today I turned 41 years old. Yeah Me!!

Yesterday was blogging against disablism day, something which I have never heard of previously but wish I had as I would have made a point to blog yesterday.

I am getting ready for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day which is the 12th of May and haven't had much energy to spend much time on any of the regular 'disabled' haunts where I talk with other disabled people and those who care for and love them on almost a daily basis. Trying to give what little help I can.